Spirits on Fire!

A Year-Long Formation Program for
Lay Leaders
in the CSSJ Mission and Tradition
Module 5: Listening Heart
Additional Resources For Reflection
“Our charism… sends us into the world as continuous acts of love, a love that is active and inclusive, patient and enduring, fearless and tender, forgiving and giving, steady and steadfast. It forms bridges, makes connections easier and facilitates life for others, enabling them also to stir up love in our world.” Sister Marcia Allen, CSJ Concordia, KS



1Samuel 3:  1-10  “Speak, for your servant is listening.”


John 10:  27:  “My sheep hear my voice.  I know them and they follow me.”


Hebrews 3: 8:  “Today if you should hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts.”


Psalm 46: 10  “Be still and know that I am God.”

• Maxim 69:  “Never think of tomorrow unless it has some necessary link to today.”


• Maxim 84:  “Never run ahead of grace by being over-eager, but quietly await its movements.”


Maxims of Perfection VII:  “Do not become entangled in too any things at once.  If, through some demand of your work, you have several things to attend to, never be anxious about finishing some in order to work at others.  This anxiety troubles peace of heart and causes forgetfulness of God’s presence.”


 • Reflections:


Daily Examens:





Three Minute Retreat:  Inner Silence


“The Power of Pause”  by Terry Hershey 


 • Songs:


“Breathe”  by Michael W. Smith



“Just to Be”  by Colleen Fulmer



In the Quiet by Liam Lawton




When leaves are falling, 
and the branch is bare,
winter is calling and chills the silent air.
when the moon is covered,
the shadows of the night,
Know that I am waiting to call you to the quiet.


be still oh be still,
for I am your god,
be still now and listen and you will here my word.
be still oh be still, deep within your life,
for you will find me,
In the quiet.

When storms are hurting,
and they don't know why.
when hearts are broken,
children have to cry.
when prayers are spoken,
late into the night,
you will find your answer,
if you come into the quiet.

• Videos

Joshua Bell plays in Washington, DC Subway

Otto Scharmer on the four levels of listening 

 • Poetry and Quotes


“Multitasking is the drive to be more than we are, to control more than we do, to extend our power and our effectiveness. Such practice yields a divided self, with full attention given to nothing.”                - Walter Brueggemann, Sabbath as Resistance


Maybe prayer doesn’t mean talking to God at all.
May it means just listening.
Unplugging the TV, turning off the computer,
Quieting the mental chatter and distractions.
Maybe it means listening to the birds
And the insects, the wind in the leaves, the creaking and groaning of the trees,
Who else is out there, not far away but nearby;
Sitting so still we can hear our heartbeat,
Watch our breath, the gentle whoosh of air,
The funny noises from our own insides,
Marveling at the body we take so much for granted.
Maybe it means listening to our dreams,
Paying more attention to what we really want from life,
And less attention to all the nagging, scolding voices from our past.
Or maybe it’s all about listening to each other,
Not thinking ahead to how we can answer or rebut or parry or advise or admonish,
But actually being present to each other.
Perhaps if we just sit quietly we’ll overhear a peace whispering through the centuries
That’s missing from the clamor of the moment.
Maybe prayer means listening to the silences between the words,
Noticing the negativity of space,
The vast, undifferentiated and nameless wonder
That underlies it all.
Maybe prayer doesn’t mean talking to God at all,
But listening with the heart,
To the angel choirs all around us.
Those who have ears,
Let them hear.
Camas Lilies  by Lynn Ungar  (Blessing the Bread)

Consider the lilies of the field,
the blue banks of camas
opening into acres of sky along the road.
Would the longing to lie down
and be washed by that beauty
abate if you knew their usefulness,
how the natives ground their bulbs
for flour, how the settlers’ hogs
uprooted them, grunting in gleeful
oblivion as the flowers fell?

And you — what of your rushed
and useful life? Imagine setting it all down —
papers, plans, appointments, everything —
leaving only a note: "Gone
to the fields to be lovely. Be back
when I’m through with blooming."

Even now, unneeded and uneaten,
the camas lilies gaze out above the grass
from their tender blue eyes.
Even in sleep your life will shine.
Make no mistake. Of course
your work will always matter.

Yet Solomon in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these.