Spirits on Fire!

A Year-Long Formation Program for
Lay Leaders
in the CSSJ Mission and Tradition
“Our charism… sends us into the world as continuous acts of love, a love that is active and inclusive, patient and enduring, fearless and tender, forgiving and giving, steady and steadfast. It forms bridges, makes connections easier and facilitates life for others, enabling them also to stir up love in our world.” Sister Marcia Allen, CSJ Concordia, KS
Module 4: Zeal
Personal Reflection
(choose the questions that speak to you)
1.  How am I being led to respond to God’s love?

2.  Who is my neighbor?

3.  When I contemplate my reality, the world:
       ♦ what brings joy?
       ♦ what bothers me, what breaks my heart?

4.  What sustains me?

5.  Am I able to let go of the end result?  Can I hold it lightly, get my own agenda out of the way?  If
      not, what gets in my way?

6.  How much do I depend on my own strength and abilities?  What might be the invitation,
     particularly in my role as leader?