Spirits on Fire!

A Year-Long Formation Program for
Lay Leaders
in the CSSJ Mission and Tradition
“Our charism… sends us into the world as continuous acts of love, a love that is active and inclusive, patient and enduring, fearless and tender, forgiving and giving, steady and steadfast. It forms bridges, makes connections easier and facilitates life for others, enabling them also to stir up love in our world.” Sister Marcia Allen, CSJ Concordia, KS
Video: 15 minute
Personal Reflection: One hour
Additional resources for reflection: Utilize over the two months
Reflection questions in advance of Group Conversation: One hour
Group Conversation: 60+ minutes
Refer to the “module 4” section in your journal as a place to record your insights and responses to questions.
Zeal is the way that God's Love becomes action...and action that creates unity is fueled by God's love and the needs of the world.  God is the beginning and the end of all we do, and our zeal teaches us to respond, not just react; to be drawn, not driven; to be on fire with God's love, not just our own energy, and to seek to fulfill God's purpose, not our own agendas.  God's love for each of us and for the world is the source of our zeal, and is the foundation for the quality of our Presence, which is our primary ministry.

Approximate times for each section of the module:
Module 4: Zeal